Preventing and Treating Blisters on Your Feet From Running

Feb 23, 2024

As a runner, one of the most common issues you may encounter is developing blisters on your feet from running. These painful fluid-filled pockets can be a hindrance to your running routine and cause discomfort. However, with proper care and preventive measures, you can avoid blisters and continue enjoying your runs without any interruptions.

Understanding Blisters on the Feet

Blisters are caused by friction or pressure on the skin, leading to the separation of layers of the skin. When running, the repeated rubbing of your feet against the inside of your shoes can create friction, resulting in blisters. It is essential to address blisters promptly to prevent infection and further discomfort.

Preventive Measures

Here are some effective tips to prevent blisters on your feet from running:

  • Proper Footwear: Ensure you wear running shoes that fit well and provide adequate cushioning and support.
  • Moisture Management: Keep your feet dry by wearing moisture-wicking socks to reduce friction.
  • Break-in New Shoes: Gradually break in new running shoes to prevent excessive rubbing.
  • Lubrication: Apply petroleum jelly or specialized blister prevention products to areas prone to blister formation.

Treating Blisters

If you develop a blister on your foot while running, it is essential to treat it promptly to prevent further complications. Here are steps to follow:

  1. Leave Intact: If the blister is not painful or likely to burst, leave it intact to promote healing.
  2. Protect: Cover the blister with a bandage or blister pad to protect it from further friction.
  3. Drain Carefully: If the blister is painful or causing discomfort, carefully drain it by sterilizing a needle and gently puncturing the edge.
  4. Keep Clean: Wash the blistered area with mild soap and water, then apply an antibiotic ointment to prevent infection.

Seeking Professional Help

If you experience persistent or severe blistering on your feet from running, it is advisable to consult a podiatrist. The Foot Practice specializes in providing expert podiatry services to address foot-related issues, including blisters, to ensure your continued running enjoyment.

Remember, taking care of your feet is crucial for your overall running performance and comfort. By following preventive measures and seeking professional help when needed, you can keep blisters at bay and focus on achieving your running goals.

blister on foot from running